Union Office, British Telecom, Becket House, New Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3BB
Tel: 01227 760311 Fax: 01227 815929 e-
To: All Branches with BT Members
Dear Colleague,
BT Pension Scheme: Updated Web Site
Branches are advised that the BT Pension Scheme web site, which is operated by the
Trustees, has been redesigned and re-
The site contains a lot of information that will be of use to Branches including updated booklets for Sections A, B and C which for the first time reflect the changes introduced in the 2008 Pension Agreement.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Cotgrove
Assistant Secretary
For instant updates: http//:www.cwu.org
email: info@cwu.org
150 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RX Tel: 020 8971 7200 Fax: 020 8971 7300
General Secretary: Billy Hayes (www.billyhayes.co.uk)
Letter to Branches