Union Office, British Telecom, Becket House, New Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3BB
Tel: 01227 760311 Fax: 01227 815929 e-
CWU Harassment Helpline 24/7 Call 0800 107 1909
More Information available on http://www.cwu.org/ in the Members Area. Once you are logged in you can find the information under 'Harassment'.
BT Mental Health Toolkit (Please note the links in the guide will only work if you are connected to the BT Intranet.)
If you feel that you are being Bullied or Harassed at work then you must talk to someone about it. There are a number of contacts in the link below and/or speak in total confidence to Branch Officer for more advice.
Are you under a lot of Stress, perhaps suffering from a high level of Pressure at work, perhaps difficulties in your personal life then you may need to do a STREAM assessment.
What is STREAM ? STREAM is intended to help BT people maintain their well being by identifying sources of stress. It is designed to help both you and your manager work through and resolve any issues.
STREAM will provide an assessment of your personal stress level and highlight areas where you may be under stress.
The objective is to help you and your selected line manager identify why you are being stressed, and to agree on what you and BT will do to manage and reduce your stress levels.
Mental health problems are common
One in four of us will be affected at some point in our lives. So being able to talk about mental health is something that’s important for us all.
Talking about mental health helps tackle discrimination
Often the fact that it’s difficult to talk about mental health problems can be one of the hardest parts of having a mental illness. It can lead to the loss of friendships, feeling isolated, not seeking help and slower recovery. It doesn't have to be this way. Talking about mental health can strengthen friendships, aid recovery, break down stereotypes and take the taboo out of something that affects us all.
What's the worst that can happen talking about Mental Health....
BT Engineers claim for Tinnitus and Hearing loss
Any member who feels they may have suffered as a result of using the oscillator and amplifier tone sets, should register their claim...More>