Union Office, British Telecom, Becket House, New Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3BB
Tel: 01227 760311 e-mail: cwumeridian@btconnect.com
More very useful information can be found on the TUC Website http://www.tuc.org.uk/tuc/rights_main.cfm
Passport Guides
What is a BT Passport? It is a means of recording, identifying and making changes to assist people with Caring, Health and/or Disability issues that they believe could have an impact on their ability to work or attendance currently or at some point in the future. The Passport can be can be completed by any BT employee. Please click the link for further information.
BT Passport (For Health, Disability and Caring Responsibilities)
CWU Harassment Helpline 24/7 Call
0800 090 2303
More Information available on http://www.cwu.org/ in the Members Area. Once you are logged in you can find the information under “Harassment”.
Employee Assistance Programme
BT's Employee Assistance Programme
A 2 Minute Guide on BT’s Employee Assistance Programme
TOiL ( Time Off in Lieu )
Some Members have told us that they have been asked and even told by their Manager to take Time Off in Lieu at the end of day or even all day when perhaps there is a long journey or when travelling to and or from Training Courses! Members should be aware that there is NO Official company procedure or means of taking TOiL...
IF you wish to come to some arrangement between you and your manager about using TOiL then that is a personal arrangement between you. If you cant agree on how much time or when it is to be taken then don't do it, insist on the correct payment for that situation.... You Cannot be made to take TOiL.... Some members have reported managers altering the hours you have booked ! That is falsification of your Time and is a Disciplinary Offence for a manager to remove the hours/alter your Time and not tell you what he/she has done and have good reason why?
Fact Finding Interviews and the Discipline Procedure
If you suddenly find yourself in a Fact Finding meeting with your or another manager then you almost certainly will not have been warned. A manager will come out to site to visit you, they may or may not tell you they are coming but will almost certainly not tell you why they want to see you? Likewise if you get called to their or another office you almost certainly will not be told why before you get there....... More>