Communication Workers Union 
Meridian Branch

Union Office, British Telecom, Becket House, New Dover Road,

Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3BB

Tel: 01227 760311 Fax: 01227 815929 e-mail:

Operate - Summer Leave 2012

We have received a number of enquiries regarding the restriction on summer leave for 2012. The Union is in discussions with Management at National level however we were recently given a presentation on BT Operate's involvement with the 2012 Olympics.

As one of the main SP's for the Olympics BT has a huge part in providing Telecoms, Data, Video and other services for the games, this is a vitally important project for BT that will be seen by customers using our services across the World. As we approach the Games the number of people that will be required on a 24/7 basis for several weeks will grow very fast.

Most of the 600 or so people who are directly involved know who they are however most of those people will need someone to cover their normal duties and that is still under discussion as are the Attendance Patterns. We all know that management have downsized and got rid of far too many experienced, skilled engineers on Operate so therefore Resource is a real problem as we knew it would be and hence the limit on Summer Leave next year, however that is also still very much under discussion with management. If you have any pre-planned commitments that you need to take more than the 72 hrs summer leave then you should speak to your manager and or contact your Branch Officers. Watch this web space for more updates.