
Union Office, British Telecom, Becket House, New Dover Road,

Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3BB

Tel: 01227 760311 e-mail: cwumeridian@btconnect.com

Communication Workers Union  Meridian Branch

Branch Nominations for the year 2021 2022 have now been completed. All nominees have been elected and unopposed. Details of the Meridian branch officers are as follows:

Dave Booker

Branch Secretary

Martin Shaw

Branch Chair/Health & Safety Officer

Kieran Golding

Deputy Branch Secretary

Anne Nickolson

Vice Chair/Equality Officer/Welfare Officer

Mark Ridge

Financial Secretary

Joe Showler

ULR/Political Officer/Retired Officer

James Hewland

Assistant Secretary Postal

Mandy Baker

Assistant Secretary Telecom's/Women's Officer

Connor McCann

Young Workers

We have vacancies for Bame Officer, and places on the branch committee. If you are interested in getting involved in any capacity then please do not hesitate to contact the branch at: cwumeridian@btconnect.com