
Union Office, British Telecom, Becket House, New Dover Road,

Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3BB

Tel: 01227 760311 e-mail: cwumeridian@btconnect.com

Communication Workers Union  Meridian Branch

Future of Romec: Joint Statement

Please find attached a further Joint Statement on the review of the Future of Romec.

We are aware that Romec members are anxious to have a resolution to the current uncertainty about the future owners but obviously the outcome needs to be the right one, which protects jobs, terms and conditions and collective bargaining into the future.

As outlined in the Joint Statement, the talks are in depth and positive. The unions’ preferred option of insourcing has been the focus of discussion in recent weeks but while the talks continue both options remain on the table. Branches will also wish to note that this year’s pay talks are embroiled in the discussions regarding the future of Romec.

Romec members should be assured that CWU will continue to work unceasingly on their behalf. Both parties are committed to bringing the talks to a conclusion as soon as possible.

Any enquiries should be addressed to PTCS department, quoting reference PTC/CM/dj/335.
Email address:

Any enquiries should be addressed to Bob Gibson’s department, quoting reference 120.

Email address: hnutley@cwu.org

Joint Statement >>>

Meridian Branch represents approximately 60 Postal Technical Services members who work for;

Royal Mail at Gatwick and Medway Mail Centres

Romec within Kent, Sussex and Surrey.' 

CWU representatives within these business units are:

James Hewland - TSS Sub-Divisional Rep, Gatwick Mail Centre

Gary Jonstone - TSS Health and Safety Rep, Gatwick Mail Centre

Vacancy (pending branch transfer of LPE members) - TSS Sub-Divisional Rep, Medway Mail Centre

Vacancy - TSS Health and Safety Rep, Medway Mail Centre

Vacancy - TSS Sub-Divisional Rep, Romec (not sure they have SDRs in Romec)

Vacancy - TSS Health and Safety Rep, Romec