
Union Office, British Telecom, Becket House, New Dover Road,

Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3BB

Tel: 020 3251 8542 e-mail: cwumeridian@btconnect.com

Communication Workers Union  Meridian Branch

Anne Nickolson

Vice Chair
Equality Officer,

Meridian Branch represents members who work in the Communications, IT, Call Centre, Postal Engineering, Financial Services and related Industries in companies such as BT - Royal Mail Group - Manpower - Monterey and other companies across the South East of England.

We have a number of experienced officers and committee members who have a wealth of knowledge and experience dealing with industrial relations issues, discipline and attendance, health & safety, disability and equality issues, education, pensions and welfare issues.

2021/22  Branch Officers & Committee Members

Mandy Baker

Assistant Secretary Telecom’s,
Women’s Officer

Kieran Golding

Deputy Secretary

James Hewland

Assistant Secretary

Contact Us | About the Meridian Branch | Branch Officers and Committee Members | Branch Rules

Martin Shaw

Branch Chair
Health & Safety Officer

Dave Booker




Over the last few months/years we have seen large numbers of people leaving the business. This of course has a knock on effect for the Union Branch locally as we have lost a number of officers and committee members in recent times.

The nature of a trade union is to encourage participation and input from all members, after all we are all the union and have an equal right to have our opinions heard and we value that dialogue.

We have a number of vacancies for Branch Committee members and we hope that some of you may like to come and join us for our monthly meetings. At present we hold them in Becket House in Canterbury and if required, Aylesford TSVC. They are held on the 2nd Monday of each month and start at 18:30 finishing no later than 20:30. Refreshments are provided.

If you think you might be interested or would initially just like to come along to see how it all runs please contact us in the Branch Office on 020 3251 8542 or email us on cwumeridian@btconnect.com.

It’s important that we get more people involved and we are particularly lacking in representatives from our younger members, ethnic minority and women members.

We all have opinions so why not come along and share yours with us?

Top ^

Connor McCann

Young Workers Officer


Mark Ridge

Financial Secretary