Communication Workers Union 
Meridian Branch

Union Office, British Telecom, Becket House, New Dover Road,

Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3BB

Tel: 01227 760311 Fax: 01227 815929 e-mail:



Last year it came to our attention that there is no single place where individual annual leave entitlements are held in BT.  Therefore, there is no prompt from the Company when an individual’s annual leave entitlement increases in line with service.


The responsibility for managing annual leave entitlement is a matter for the individual and their line manager.


Given this situation, please find detailed below the current annual leave entitlements:


Length of Service Holidays Notes

On entry  25 days   

5 years  26 days  Applicable only to people in service at 30 September 2000  

8 years  27 days  Applicable only to people in service at 30 September 2000  

10  years  28 days   

18 years  30 days   

22 years  32.5 days  Applicable only to people in annual leave group 2 at 30 September 2000 and people with pay and pension protection to a former annual leave group 2 grade at NewGrid implementation.



The issue of a reminder LTB last year generated a significant number of enquiries and uncovered a number of individuals that were not receiving their appropriate entitlements.  The queries raised last year broadly fitted into 3 categories:


1. What are the hourly equivalents for those whose leave is taken in hours?


2. What were the Group 2 pre-NewGrid grades that are entitled to 32.5 days after 22 years?


3. What is the leave entitlement for part-time and job sharers?



1. Annual Leave in Hours


The daily equivalent in hours is calculated by dividing the weekly contracted hours by 5

36 ÷ 5 = 7.2 hours.


Annual leave allocation is the entitlement in days multiplied by 7.2.


For example:


On entry 25 x 7.2 = 180 hours

10 years 28 x 7.2 = 201.6 hours

18 years 30 x 7.2 = 216 hours


These allocations are the same for everyone regardless of work pattern.

2. Group 2


People in annual leave Group 2 at 30th September 2000 are entitled to 32.5 days after 22 years service.


Annual leave Group 2 consisted of the following pre-NewGRID grades:



Technical Officer

Senior Technician

Technician 1

Technical & Commercial Trainee


Commercial Officer

Computing 3

Radio Officer

Leading Materials Handler

Workshop Supervisor 1/2

Technician in Charge (MT)

Driving Instructor

Reprographic Unit Supervisor

Typing and Secretarial Levels 2/3/4


Retail 2/3

Sales Support Officer

NBC Professional Sales Grade A.




3. Part-Time / Job Sharer


Part-time and job sharers annual leave is calculated in hours and is pro rata.  Leave entitlement is calculated by expressing the full time equivalent in hours multiplied by the weekly part time hours divided by the weekly full time hours.


For example:


A part-time employee working 20 hours a week with 18 years service.


Full time equivalent in hours = 30 x 7.2 = 216

Weekly part-time hours = 20

Weekly full time hours = 36


Leave Allocation = 216 x 20 ÷ 36 = 120 hours.